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REGULAR PRICES: Toy Female Pups, Companion $3000  , Toy Male Pups, Companion,    $2500, For Show males & females, call for price. Pricing for pups does not include shipping, and health certificate expense (required only for airline shipment). A pup from an American Manchester Terrier Club Stud Dog or Brood Bitch of The Year may have a higher price, whether for show or companion. The Companion price is for a "Limited" AKC registration. This means the dog can not be bred nor shown. Pups can be picked up at our kennel, or when the temperature is below 85, or above 20, at time of shipping and receiving, we can ship via air cargo. A crate is required and we have them available for a modest cost. Sometimes we have a "loaner" available. NOTE: DELTA IS NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING DOGS FOR SHIPPING DUE TO THE CHINESE VIRUS. THEY MAY BE CARRIED IN THE CABIN. THIS IS STILL THE CASE ON 10/30/24.

We are currently accepting waiting list positions for expected litters in January and February. A $100 deposit is required. We cannot guarantee sex, it just depends on what our gals produce. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Most of our pups go to pet homes, and a high percentage are "show quality". By show quality, we mean that we have used our many decades of experience to determine that a particular show quality pup could be shown to an AKC Championship. Some might do it straight away, others may take a while longer. This is determined by the quality of the pup, the competition in your area, and of course whether you come under decent Manchester Judges. The AKC, in our opinion, is not too picky now days as to who they license to Judge Manchester's. The demand is not great for show pups, so this is why most folks purchasing a Saint Lazar companion pup, in actuality frequently get a "show dog". We treat folks on our waiting list as "first come, first served", subject to the following caveats. Because we are a non commercial show kennel, we get first pick in the event we are looking to keep a pup. Then those very few who are waiting for show dogs are served next. A typical wait for any class of pup is six to twelve months. It may be longer, it may be less, but we will not promise delivery at a specific time, this is simply not possible. We will do our best to fit your schedule, but the LORD determines when pups come, how many, and their sex. Once you are placed on the waiting list, we will do our utmost to keep you posted on our progress toward getting you a pup. You are always welcome to call or email, or even come visit personally.

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Latest Revision - October 30, 2024

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