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Visitors will note from all the postings below that Solo has pretty much taken over our household. At the same time I have been making a modest effort to upgrade the quality of our videos and content. It's an interesting endeavor for an "84" year old great-great-grandfather. Thank you LORD for the continuing awesome blessings!

Well so much for the plans of "men and mice". it's October 30th, and I haven't updated Solo's page for almost 2 months. In the meantime he continues to steal our hearts, and he has grown. Today, he weighs 6.75 lbs and he and Baxter play constantly. He now sleeps with Carol and I, and his lead training is going well. I took him with me to Lowe's yesterday, and he was very outgoing with everyone he met. He is going to make an excellent "show dog". Please go further down this page to see the just posted video of Solo at our Church Halloween "Trunk & Treat" event Sunday, 10/27


Above is Hans in Charlie's lap, on 8/20, about to nap after frisking with Baxter. Like most young pups, he eats, sleeps, and "plops" a lot. He is a great love, just like his dad, Nickolas. I will do a DNA test to be sure Nickolas is his Sire.

This video was captured 8/18/24 while Solo was eating. The audio is incorrect, I miscalculated his birthday and it is NOT 7/15, but was most likely is 7/20/24. I base this on his appearance when I found him, and when his eyes began to open. He is maturing rapidly, as is to be expected since he is an only child getting mucho attention.

Solo is playing constantly, his favorite, as many puppies before him, is Baxter the mild mannered Shih Tzu. Solo's ears became erect before the next video below. Now he looks like a real "Show Dog". Video is courtesy of my son, Martin. That's me napping in the background (Charlie).

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Hans Solo and Baxter playing Saturday, August 24, 2024. Solo sometimes really gets after him with a lot of growling. He barks at me when I get up in the morning. He wants his breakfast!

I am thoroughly enjoying Solo; he is such a love. Of course, he is getting into everything now that he is growing. He and Baxter are always at my feet, hence the videos there so often. I have several Canon digital cameras, newest and now the most utilized, an EOS R7 Mirrorless. I keep it handy, and I am capturing video in the "log" format, particularly Canon Clog3, Cinema Gamut. This requires some software manipulation, but the results are quite good.

I have enjoyed photography as a hobby for over 60 years, and I am blessed to have some very decent equipment, software, and computers. So as you will hear in the audio above, I am trying different video capture techniques. I am pleased, so far, with the Canon Clog3 captures, but I need to keep studying. I am also trying to improve my knowledge of Photoshop. All this keeps me out of mischief, mostly. 

The above video was made Sunday, 10/27/24 at Lake Oconee Presbyterian Church at our annual "Trunk & Treat" event for kids (and adults). Carol and I are sitting by the wire pen, she holding Shih Tzu, "Baxter", while I operate the iPhone 13 Pro Max. You can compare Solo's performance here with the earlier videos, he has come a long way, and we could not ask for a better temperament, or conformation. Shucks, after all he is a "Saint Lazar" boy. THANK YOU LORD!

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Latest Revision - October 30, 2024

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